Projects Management

نؤمن في شركة إعماركو بمبادئ الإدارة الهندسية الحديثة المعتمدة على الالتزام بجودة المواصفات والشروط الهندسية وإدارة الموارد وذلك في سبيل تسليم المشروع وفق جداول زمنية وخطط إدارية مدروسة.

At Emaarco, we believe in the principles of modern engineering management that is based on committing to the quality of specifications, conditions and resource management; in order to deliver the project according to timeframes and well-studied plans

Dark Blue


Engineering Consultancy

Engineering Supervision

Construction Management

Project Scheduling

Engineering Consultancy

Engineering Supervision

Construction Management

The main stages of project management:
1 2

Study the engineering project layouts for all department and then discuss an execution plan with the client.

2 3

Managing a time plan for the resources (human, financial, technical and materials ) to manage the project executions.

3 2

Our engineer’s execution and supervise the project, apply the highest standards of quality and professional safety.

4 2

Follow up on the implementation of the project and deliver it in its final form, taking into all requirements.

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